Mike Fondop celebrated his best day in football after scoring the winning goal for Oldham Athletic, while his proud dad watched on from the stands for the first time.

Fondop's father, a civil engineer in Cameroon, is on his first visit to the UK and was the guest of honour at Boundary Park.

And he was hugged by everyone around him in the Joe Royle Stand when Fondop rose to meet a Reagan Ogle cross and head in an 81st minute winner for this fourth for the season, and third goal in four games.

"At the man of the match presentation I just started crying when they asked me about the goal and what it meant to me," said Fondop.

"It was an important goal, more importantly a win for the team.

"It was the first time my dad has come to the UK and come to watch me play. I've been praying and praying asking God to help me score today and for my dad to witness that passion, how the ground is bouncing especially after a win so I'm very happy.

"That goal can only be for him because he and my mum have sacrificed a lot for all of us to be where we are. I've got four siblings, we've never lacked anything. Sometimes times were hard but they've always sacrificed and given us the best life, they've always done everything for us to have what we wanted.

"My dad believes in hard work. If I'm looking for inspiration it's him because he believes in hard work. And him coming today was extra motivation for me because I had to make sure that I grafted and I'm happy I did.

"I'm happy for the goal and seeing him with a big smile on his face, I could tell he was very proud.

"I don't think the goal is enough to give to him to repay everything they've done for us but I dedicate that goal to him."

Mike Fondop's dad, fiancee and daughter watch from the standsMike Fondop's dad, fiancee and daughter watch from the stands (Image: Phill Smith)

Fondop first came to England from Cameroon he laid the foundations for a career in football alongside working towards a degree in actuarial science - the discipline that applies mathematical and statistical methods to assess risk in insurance, pension, finance, investment and other industries and professions - at the University of Essex.

He added: "My parents have sacrificed a lot for me to come here (to England), to go to university for four years, I've always had what I wanted. And then they always supported the decision I made to be a professional footballer.

"It means more than a thousand words to me to see my dad in the stand with a big smile and clapping.

"After I scored I knew where he was sat and everyone was just hugging him.

"He was so happy. It was great to see that.

"Someone said it was written in the stars."

Mike Fondop's dad celebrates the goal with Luke RothwellMike Fondop's dad celebrates the goal with Luke Rothwell (Image: Phill Smith)

And Fondop said he was grateful for the hospitality his dad received at Boundary Park.

"I want to thank Oldham because they have made sure he was well looked after today, he had a meal with Mr Chairman in the boardroom, he chatted with him and Darren (Royle) too and a few other people and fans," he said.

"I want to extend my gratitude to everyone that managed to approach him to have a word with him just to make him feel welcome because this is what it's all about. We're quite family orientated so thank you to the club and everyone who supports the club for the warm welcome for my dad.

"To have that feeling of having my dad in the stands seeing me score and win has to be my top day in football; him experiencing Boundary Park bouncing, singing Mikey Fondop.

"He was so proud and so happy.

"He said the club had looked after him so well and his experience had been amazing.

"He didn't know what to expect but he wasn't expecting that. He's beyond words. He doesn't know how to describe the way the club, the board members, the fans - everyone around - have been looking after him.

"It's been a positive experience for him."