Micky Mellon says there is still scope to add to his squad before the start of the season, but further recruits will be carefully considered.

Latics have so far made five summer signings in Reagan Ogle, Manny Monthe, Josh Kay, Harry Charsley and Jes Uchegbulam, while a number of trialists have been assessed both in training and in the first three pre-season friendlies, including former Bury goalkeeper Scott Maloney.

Mellon has yet to make a move on any free agents that he has run the rule over.

But while the Scot confirmed there is room in the budget for further additions, he will only make a move if he believes it is right for his squad.

"We want to try and make sure we do the right thing and get players in," said the Latics boss.

"Because we're such a good football club, we can get players to come here and say 'show us what you've got' and it helps us then to try to get closer to making the right decision to try to bring players here.

"You never know until they're here and they're playing, but it gives you a better opportunity if they're here and they're training and they're in and among the group to try to get closer to making the right decision.

"We'll continue to look at trialists, and we've still got the loan market to look at as well because that will start to open up the longer into pre-season you go because clubs aren't letting them go at the minute because they need the numbers, like we do.

"But we've got a few ideas of how we'd like to go and we keep moving forward."

Of the potential to make further signings before the new National League season begins on August 10, Mellon added: "We would like to - we always would like to.

"The family are great. We still have the ability to do some stuff, we still have some budget left to go and do that, but I want to make sure they're the right players.

"I think recruitment is huge and I want to get that right, so we will take our time and if somebody comes up and we think it's a no brainer for us to get to where we want to get to then we would be able to do that.

"The family have been great and we've got room (in the budget) so we can do some stuff.

"I can bring players in."