Charlie Raglan says Oldham Athletic must learn from the mistakes of last season and wipe the slate clean if they are to succeed in the National League this year.

The defender admitted that, as players, they had let themselves down by not establishing ground rules and standards within the dressing room and, in turn, on the pitch last term.

But he said the record had been set straight very early in pre-season with the players having open and honest discussions among themselves about expectations professionally and personally.

"We've had some good conversations. Last year I think things were left unsaid maybe at certain times and that kind of carried on and carried on," said Raglan.

"We might have known certain things and it was a case of who took action, and not enough of us took action. Certainly as players I think we could have done more to nail a few things down, but once that pattern starts it's very difficult to get it back, that's why we're putting a big emphasis on that now.

"I'm not promising that means instant success and an unbelievable season compared to last season but it will certainly give us that chance."

Asked what the particular problems he was referencing last season were, Raglan added: "It's little things. There's a culture in football like a fine system. Maybe our fine system was a bit easy-osy at times.

"It was just something towards the end of the season when we reflect and have conversations with the manager and staff and amongst ourselves, that's something we can get going straight away and be a bit stern with that. That's not to be nasty or whatever, it's to say that we're here to work and be professional and uphold those standards that will bring success. The little things will lead to what you see on the football pitch. That's one example.

"The manager has us now in pre-season. Every manager always says that's a big deal for them to instil a few things and the way they work.

"The St Andrew's trip, you get a week together, you're together all the time, you get to know each other a bit better and have those conversations.

"Those conversations weren't probably had and before you know it you're in the mire when you should be pushing.

"We don't want that this season.

"Whatever we can do, it's fuelling us."

The former Cheltenham defender added: "The manager has us now in pre-season. Every manager always says that's a big deal for them to instil a few things and the way they work.

"The St Andrew's trip, you get a week together, you're together all the time, you get to know each other a bit better and have those conversations.

"Those conversations weren't probably had and before you know it you're in the mire when you should be pushing.

"We don't want that this season.

"Whatever we can do it's fuelling us."

Latics returned from Scotland on the eve of their first friendly, at home to Stockport County, and Raglan was encouraged by the performance and result, with Mark Kitching's first minute header against his old club enough to ensure a winning start to pre-season.

"The performance was the pleasing thing. Once you score after a minute or so we knew that we would have periods without the ball so it kind of helped us in terms of our motivation to keep a clean sheet. But I think we had good spells ourselves with the ball, especially as the game went on, and we could have scored more," he said.

"That's what we want to do, that's what we want to be. The manager before the game was really clear with his message in terms of taking the ball and playing and I think the system that we played works to that advantage."