June is Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month and an area football club is putting out the message for people to look after each other, writes Rob Currell.

The message from the Avro FC is to check on your mates and if you are being affected by mental health, to ask for help.

There are some shocking statistics around men’s mental health with four out of five suicides done by men said a spokesman from the club.

It is the biggest cause of death for men under the age of 35-years-old.

During this month Avro is spreading the message around this issue and is encouraging men to seek help when needed.

“There is nothing weak about asking for help,” said a spokesman from the club.

“In fact, for many it is quite a scary proposition so it is actually a brave thing to realise and follow through on.

“We encourage anyone who is struggling to reach out so they can be signposted on the best places to get help.”

The club spokesman added that Avro FC encourages an environment where men can talk to each other and for everyone involved to keep an eye on each other.

There are a variety of organisations who can help including Samaritans who are available 24/7 by phone on 116 123.