After the weekend’s victory against Torquay United, the only thing negative in this column will be discussions of the temperature!

Firstly, huge congratulations to the ground staff for the getting the game on at all. We all know how difficult the conditions can be at Ice Station Zebra and to keep the pitch from freezing is an incredible feat, especially as some of our near neighbours could not manage similarly, in arguably, more conducive environments.

The match itself was quite the spectacle. The first half was dominated by us and we deservedly went into the break leading 1-0, though in all honesty, it should have been more with the outstanding Alex Reid close on more than one occasion.

I really felt that if he’d have got one, the floodgates would have opened for him. His movement, his link-up play with the other attackers and his positioning to get chances were all superb and it was a real surprise when he was taken off on the hour.

However, the change paid off. While I don’t think anyone can argue that Mike Fondop and Timmy Abraham set the world alight individually, together they certainly made a difference and their link-up for the winner, and Timmy’s first goal in professional football, was impressive.

The biggest ‘wow’, though, was reserved for Ben Tollitt, who celebrated his new contract with an astounding goal out of absolutely nothing.

It was not only a wonderful goal to witness, but it also managed to ease the pressure on us after a shaky start to the second half.

It really was a goal which deserved to be part of a victory and it has rightly been shared widely on social media to be seen by the masses.

In truth, I felt it was one of his quieter games for us overall, but when he turns it on, he really turns it on and that goal not only shows what he’s capable of, but also how important a player he will be for us for the rest of the season.

Joe Royle always said in the Great Escape 1992/93 season that we needed a turning point to go on the run which ultimately led to us surviving.

Then, it was Neil Adams scoring twice against Everton at 2-0 down and I really believe that the eight minutes of stoppage time last Sunday could be our turning point this season.

We have so often capitulated when a goal down or near the end of matches and to survive the Torquay onslaught and come away victorious will do the confidence of the team the world of good.