Well, it has certainly been an interesting few days at the club.

After agonising over last Sunday’s very disappointing showing against an under-strength Dewsbury Rams, I felt I had no choice but to make a change in regards to the head coach.

It may seem strange, but it was not an easy decision by any means.

Matt Diskin has worked, for the most part, through Covid and all the restrictions that has, and continues to, entail. That’s not easy.

On top of that there has been no doubt this season that we have been our own worst enemies with basic mistakes killing us in matches, week after week.

That is not something that is directly attributable to the coach, but they are coach-killers.

Last Sunday was the perfect example. All Dewsbury did was capitalise on our errors and turn them into points. On the back of that we then became anxious when we had good ball which in turn led to more mistakes.

It is the perfect storm in relation to circumstances at present.

There’s a lack of confidence, plus injuries, plus mistakes, plus more mistakes, all meaning that the lads are at rock bottom.

With that in mind and knowing that we have half a season to go, I took the decision on Monday to change things and part company with Matt.

Despite being in the game, officially for more than 24 years, that is still not something that comes easily, and nor should it do.

As a chairman it is part of my role to have a good working relationship with the head coach and to back them to the best of mine and the club’s ability.

I feel that has been done and I don’t think anybody would argue that the squad is infinitely better than it is presently showing on the field.

As ever, in sport, it is the coach who pays the price and so the search is on for the next incumbent to the role.

Time is not on our side, but it is important that we get the best man for the job given our present position.

Some of the lads were naturally down when they heard the news because they feel responsible for Matt’s departure, but we have to pick them up and move on.

With the Toulouse game being cancelled because of the UK quarantine measures it means we have a free weekend which is a bit of a blessing, and the lads will be given it off to get a break away from the club.

Matt’s assistant Brendan Sheridan has stepped into the breach this week and has, as always, been very positive with the boys.

It is a chance for a new start, and we have to seize it. I will be working hard to get the new coach in as soon as possible and then it is a clean slate for everybody, and we go again.

In the meantime, I ask for all of you to keep up your support of the club as we sail through some difficult waters at present.

Online tickets for Roughyeds' game against Bradford Bulls on July 11 will go on sale at 11am on Tuesday, July 6, to both sets of fans and the club is asking the Oldham faithful to buy early to make sure they have their tickets as soon as possible.

Season-ticket holders have all had emails from the club asking them to confirm attendance. Replies are needed by 9am on Sunday so the club can get an idea of numbers for social-distancing.

For those who can’t get to the game, though, it will be streamed live on Our League.