This is an important week for us in our Championship campaign.

Last Sunday saw a disappointing result up at Newcastle after we killed ourselves with mistakes that made it easy for the opposition to run in points.

We have been fortunate that, whilst we have been on a poor run of form, so have the teams around us, which includes our opponents this weekend, Dewsbury.

There is still much of the season to go and we have to do whatever is necessary to pull ourselves out of this current run and get back to instilling confidence in the playing group.

Confidence is a massive thing in professional sport and right now, we haven’t got a lot of it.

That is only to be expected as things are certainly not going our way, but we also know that only hard work will turn it around.

Once you keep doing that on a regular basis then the ball starts to bounce for you, a referee makes a decision in your favour and wham, you have the victory you needed.

That’s where we are at and everything else pales into insignificance right now. The boys are training hard and are desperate for this week to be the one where things turn around.

We need your backing more than ever in games like this, so we are really hoping that there will be a large turnout of Oldham fans this Sunday to really get behind the lads.

We are also due to find out anytime now if we will be making the trip to Toulouse next Saturday as the Government updates its traffic light system for countries and overseas travel.

If France goes onto the green list, off we go, but if it remains on the amber list then we will have a free weekend.

I also want to make mention of Phil Joy who last Sunday suffered a painful fracture to his elbow together with ligament damage. He was clearly in a lot of pain at the time, but it was at a late stage in the game, and we had already used all of our subs so in true Phil fashion he got the physio to strap it up so he could stay on the field.

It takes real guts to do something like that and epitomises Phil and his attitude. Don’t anybody tell me these lads are not tough.

It was also good to see Matty Wilkinson last week as he now starts in earnest his rehabilitation from his broken leg. He has a belting scar from where they operated on him but he is keen to get back into the work he can do to start to strengthen the leg and it goes without saying we are right behind him.

As I said earlier there is no panic at the club about the present situation – this is one hell of a tough division we are in – but we are acutely aware that we need to get a win under our belts. With a bit of luck this weekend will see us achieve that. With your support, we can do it!