Dozens have been banned from Oldham town centre in a crackdown on shoplifting and antisocial behaviour.

The work of Oldham's central policing team using criminal behaviour orders means there are now 37 orders active in Oldham town centre.

This places restrictions on offenders and limits their ability to enter places in which they are likely to cause disruption or commit offences.

The orders are in place for times ranging from a few months to a few years and should those under them breach the conditions, they can be arrested.

Further punishments can include fines, further civil action, or imprisonment.

The orders are specifically used to prevent reoccurring problems within the community, such as repeat shoplifting, antisocial behaviour, and burglary.

Town and city centres are often targeted for their range of shops and amenities, and by stopping the most problematic offenders from entering in the first place, officers are able to crack down on crime and reassure local stores that they are taking direct and decisive action.

This week, officers from the team are supporting the National Business Crime Centre's Safer Business Action Week and will be locking up anyone with a relevant criminal behaviour order who enters the town centre.

Greater Manchester Police will also deploy a range of patrols targeted at specific areas which have reported problems in the past so they can provide high visibility presence and be on hand to arrest offenders.

Inspector Nicholas Derbyshire, from GMP’s Oldham central neighbourhood team, said: "CBOs are a great tool to keep repeat offenders away from stores and shops in which they cause constant issues for workers and members of the public alike.

"Some of the people hit with CBOs are constant offenders, and have racked up countless theft offences – by cutting off access to stores and bringing in the mechanism to make an immediate arrest should they breach the order, we want to show we are committed to aiding Oldham’s retailers.

"Many of those included in the orders have made life a misery for some shop workers, making threats and abusing those simply out to make a living.

"These people will be met with a robust response should they decide to try it again – and can expect to end up in the back of a police van.

"Oldham is a great place to come to and we will continue issuing CBOs to ensure no one disrupts the lives of law-abiding citizens.

"To retailers, I would ask that you please continue providing us with information on shoplifters and ASB offenders.

"This enables us to compile everything and strengthen our case for arrests, charges, and further orders."