An application has been submitted to turn a home into a property providing temporary housing to parents and their children.

The proposal from Phoenix Adolescent Care centres on an address on Ralstone Avenue, Oldham, and would house the families whilst they're assessed by trained professionals.

According to a document submitted by Phoenix Adolescent Care, the property would accommodate a maximum of three 'families' at one time, with a ‘family’ consisting of one parent and one child.

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The document added that the majority of the referrals they would be likely to see would be for children under the age of one year old.

Parents would stay at the property whilst undergoing a period of assessment, monitoring and intervention from staff.

The house would be staffed 24 hours a day, including the presence of a registered manager who would be in the house between 9am and 5pm each day, and a member of staff present 24 hours a day.

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Plans included as part of the application show the property's ground floor would be made up of a living room, kitchen, utility room, bathroom and staff office which would also serve as a meeting room.

On the first floor, there would be three bedrooms, as well as a communal room and two bathrooms.

The application is seeking a certificate of lawful development to convert the address into the temporary accommodation property.