Disturbing footage shows the moment a 'water fight' led to a mass brawl among pupils at a school in Oldham while staff desperately tried to control the situation.

On Monday, September 23, video footage shows dozens of students at North Chadderton School fighting on the school grounds, with kicks, punches and water bottles being thrown.

North Chadderton School told The Oldham Times that the brawl was sparked by a "water fight" that was "swiftly and professionally dealt with by staff".

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The co-headteacher also said such incidents are "rare" at the school and fortunately no staff or students required hospital treatment.

A boy was being restrained by staffA boy was being restrained by staff members (Image: NQ)

In the one-minute and 15-second clip, pockets of pupils could be seen pushing one another while shouting and screaming could be heard across the playing field.

Amid the chaotic scenes, one student was being restrained by a staff member in a high-vis jacket before two other staff members attempted to assist.

The pupil was then seen struggling in his efforts to break free from the restraint and appeared to push staff members away from him.

A woman in a high-vis appears to almost stumble as she is pushed amid the commotion.

Another student said to his friends off-camera: "Do not retaliate... Right, boys-" as a fourth member of staff joined colleagues in restraining the boy.

The pupil broke free from staff and joined a fight by the fence  (Image: NQ)

However, the pupil managed to escape their grip and ran towards a group of boys gathered by a fence.

Approximately seven or more students then surrounded the boy, who had discarded his blazer, and the pupils shoved and punched one another.

When the camera pans out, the footage reveals dozens more students had joined the fight while staff members desperately tried to take back control of the escalating situation. 

A second fight nearby between another group also started, which saw one boy pushed to the floor.

A boy from that fight then ran towards another group and could be seen throwing more punches to other pupils' heads.

Towards the end of the video, a pupil was lying on the ground and had put his arms up to cradle his head.

Several smaller fights also broke outSeveral smaller fights also broke out (Image: NQ)

Staff members formed a barrier around him and shouted: "Get back".

Parents have since alleged that students in Year 10 and Year 11 have 'all' been punished, with restricted access to the canteen.

However, the school said Year 10s continue to use the school's restaurant as usual while Year 11s are using 'the Bistro', a smaller canteen, as part of a "temporary measure" due to other incidents such as littering and breaking furniture.

The news also comes as North Chadderton School celebrated its "best A-level results" in its recent history and was "thrilled" with its GCSE leavers in August.

By the end of the video, a boy could be seen on the floor holding his headBy the end of the video, a boy could be seen on the floor holding his head (Image: NQ) 

In a statement, Nick Angus, the co-headteacher of the school, said: "We can confirm that a fight occurred between students following a minor incident involving a water fight.

"The matter was swiftly and professionally dealt with by staff. 

"No staff or students required hospital treatment.

"Appropriate sanctions were issued to those students involved, which included meetings with the relevant parents and contact with the local police, in line with our policy for handling such behaviour.

"We are grateful that the vast majority of our students continue to demonstrate exemplary behaviour, and incidents of this nature are rare at our school."

He added: "Year 10 are using the restaurant to get their food, as usual.

"And, as communicated to Year 11 parents and carers via our Friday Parent Bulletin, the reason the Year 11s are using the Bistro (smaller canteen) and the Opera Space, instead of the restaurant, is because of a lack of respect for the environment (littering, food on tables and some broken furniture).

"This is a temporary measure and will be reviewed at the end of this week.

"Again, this was communicated to parents via our Parent Bulletin on Friday.

"The Year 11 students still have access to hot food and have an indoor eating space and plenty of room outside to socialise."

Greater Manchester Police has been contacted for comment.

Got a story? Email me Olivia.bridge@newsquest.co.uk