A man who harassed an ex-partner for weeks, including entering her home without permission, and leaving her "broken and depressed", has been put behind bars.

John Prince appeared at Minshull Street Crown Court on Wednesday (September 11) after pleading guilty to stalking involving fear of violence, two counts of harassment without violence, making threats to kill and threatening to damage or destroy property.

Gurdit Singh, prosecuting, told the court that Prince had been in a relationship with his victim, who is from Oldham, on and off for roughly five years before she ended the relationship at the beginning of this year due to the fact he was becoming more abusive and increasingly using drugs and alcohol.

Prince's period of harassment during April and May saw him repeatedly calling her on the phone and being abusive and aggressive towards her.

The 39-year-old entered the victim's house without permission on more than one occasion, once when her teenage daughter was present and another time when the victim was home alone and in her bedroom.

On the second occasion, the victim screamed and told him to leave, which he eventually did.

Another incident saw Prince, of Evesham Close, Middleton, attend the victim's mother's house on what was the anniversary of the victim's father's death, where he was banging on the door and making threats.

Prince also threatened to upload pictures and videos of the victim onto adult websites and at other times threatened to kill her when she was alone, leaving her "extremely scared".

He was eventually arrested when a police officer was at the victim's home discussing Prince's harassment of her when Prince called her and was once again abusive and making threats.

When he called back again, the officer spoke to him and Prince denied being abusive, however, police attended his address and he was arrested.

After being released on bail under the condition he could not contact his victim, Prince once again called her and threatened to kill her.

Mr Singh read out a victim personal statement on the victim's behalf, in which she said she felt "broken and depressed" and that she did not feel safe or protected.

The victim, who was said to now suffer from depression and anxiety, said: "I'm not strong enough to be the victim of this man."

Patrick Buckley, defending, said Prince was using drugs and alcohol during the persistent period of harassment and that Prince was "appalled" by his own behaviour.

He added that Prince, who shook his head at points during the sentencing in disappointment at his actions, described himself as a "monster" and that he expressed remorse for what he had done.

When passing sentence, Judge Neil Usher said the victim had suffered "a truly terrifying experience" when Prince had entered her bedroom unannounced but accepted Prince had shown genuine remorse about his actions.

Judge Usher handed Prince a 22-month prison sentence and gave him an indefinite restraining order, prohibiting him from contacting the victim.