Monitoring sensors are being placed on a Lees street from today (September 6) as part of efforts to improve safety.

Oldham Council will be placing monitoring sensors on Beckett Street, which leads to the school street that has seen a soft launch this week around the Hey with Zion and St Edward's primary schools on Rowland Way.

The drop off times at the schools have been a prolonged topic of upset from nearby residents with them saying that parents dropping of children at the schools were causing a 'danger' to children by mounting the curb.

Frustrations also came after a woman claimed she was punched by a parent after asking them to move their car.

The council have completed a soft launch of the new school street in the area as of this week and have said they will be installing monitoring sensors from today (September 6) until Thursday, September 12.

In a post to social media, the council said: "These sensors are part of our ongoing efforts to monitor traffic behaviour in the area around our planned School Street scheme.

"The monitoring, previously conducted in July and August, will provide us with useful insight into the travel patterns in the area.

"These sensors are NOT recording people or individual vehicles. They are designed to count all movements, including different types of vehicles, pedestrians, and people on bikes, and gather data on traffic patterns.

"This project is a direct response to your requests, proving we're listening to your feedback.

"Our 'you said, we did' approach from previous workshops with residents and parents continues to guide us.

"The data collected will help us create safer streets for everyone, with the aim of going live at the beginning of the new academic year"

The school street will see its full launch and be the first to utilise automatic number plate recognition cameras in Greater Manchester on Monday, September 9.