Residents in Delph were left puzzled after their Evri deliveries seemed to disappear and arrive at one mystery address.

The parcels, some of which contained goods for upcoming holidays which cannot be replaced in time, were all due for delivery last Wednesday (August 28). 

A flurry of social media posts flooded a local community group, at least eight of which contained screenshots from a proof of delivery email which appeared to show the missing parcels at the same address. 

The driver, who had taken the photos, also appeared to be the same person, identified by jeans and distinctive brown boots which were visible in many of the shots. 

Customers posted appeals to the social media group in an attempt to track down their parcels, with one resident even having undertaken canvassing Delph village to try to locate the mystery address, but was unsuccessful. 

A spokesperson for Evri said: "Our ambition is that every customer’s experience with Evri is a positive one and we are very sorry that in this instance that was not the case.

"We have conducted a thorough internal investigation and the driver will no longer be delivering on behalf of Evri."

Most of the customers assumed the address was the same location due to the same colour and pattern block paved driveway and with many images showing the same features, such as bins and floor mats, which had been visible in other posts. 

One such post showed a parcel in white packaging lying next to a green caddy bin to which another customer replied with their own proof of delivery photo, showing a green package in what appeared to be the exact same spot with the bin, but with no sign of the white parcel. 

Residents were baffled as to where their parcels were, including Joanne Goodyear, who had ordered some new trainers and a suitcase cover for her upcoming holiday.

Joanne said: "It's just my luck.

"It's absolutely appalling as I've heard nothing whatsoever from Evri since Thursday, and yet Temu who supplied the contents of my parcel gave me a refund straight away."

When contacted, Evri said they had replied to Joanne's delivery query on Saturday, August 31, but she says she only received a response yesterday (September 4), which asked her to check the surroundings of her house and housemates.

Another customer whose parcel went missing is Liez Fletcher-Parker, who had also ordered goods for her holiday which was only two weeks away at the time of the issue and is for a wedding.

Liez said she had three parcels coming from Evri, which included cosmetics and items of clothing. 

She said the loss of her items wasn't 'life-threatening but highly inconvenient and costly' as she will not have time to replace everything, and her clothing is now out of stock.

Joanne and Liez both shared their proof of delivery photos with The Oldham Times, which appear to show their parcels at the same spot, but each image only shows one parcel.

Joanne's parcel (Left) and Liez's parcels (Right), which appear to be in the same spotJoanne's parcel (Left) and Liez's parcels (Right), which appear to be in the same spot (Image: Evri/ Joanne and Liez)

Evri added: "We handle 730 million parcels a year and 99% are successfully delivered on time, and we are committed to instilling a culture where every parcel matters and encourage those who work with us to treat every parcel like they would for themselves or a family member."

The company also stressed that they have been in direct contact with the customers impacted by these deliveries to apologise and advise on what they need to do.

If a customer bought something from a business to be delivered, it is the seller’s responsibility to make sure the item is delivered.

Under the Consumer Rights Act, customers can ask the seller to deliver the item again if the item wasn’t delivered or ask the seller to provide a refund.