Shocking footage appears to show a dog 'crying' and 'living in faeces' in a small backyard in Oldham.

A neighbour has grown increasingly worried about a dog that is reportedly being kept in a yard behind a house in Chadderton.

The Oldham Times has decided not to publish the address where the animal is kept or the name of the concerned resident. 

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Video footage of the light brown spotted dog shows it was standing on a step towards a back gate in the small back garden and could be heard "whimpering".

The pooch appears to be surrounded by its own faeces which looks to have been left in the courtyard and has built up over time.

The breed of the dog is also unclear as residents believe it could either be a pocket bully or an XL bully breed.

As a result, they say they fear reporting the suspected neglect to the authorities in case the dog is euthanised, despite its calm and "sweet" temperament.  

The state of the yard the dog is living inThe state of the yard the dog is living in (Image: Facebook)

A woman claims the dog relocated homes around the time the XL bully ban was coming into effect but has been living in a "dirty backyard" ever since. 

The resident, who is passionate about animals, said: "The poor dog just whimpers. Doesn't bark, just cries.

"He is quite sweet. I can't keep walking past knowing that he is on his own.

"I hope he is a pocket as he's not aggressive, he doesn't even bark.

"I'm trying to get help for him.

"It's disgusting how he's been treated. He's spent most of his life alone with snippets of attention.

"It's cruel."

The resident is worried about alerting the RSPCA in case the dog is killedThe resident is worried about alerting the RSPCA in case the dog is killed (Image: Facebook)

She has reportedly attempted to try to contact the homeowner but "nobody seems to be there".

She added: "He deserves better.

"I'm scared in case I'm giving him a death sentence, but I know even that is better than this."

The RSPCA has been contacted for information about how reports on suspected animal neglect or abuse can be made if the dog is feared to be a banned breed. 

A spokesperson for the charity said they "understand the resident's concerns" about the animal, adding: "We would say if anyone is concerned about an animal’s welfare is to report it for further advice as otherwise the animal could be left to suffer".

However, the RSPCA said XL bully dogs reported to the charity would have to be euthanised.

The spokesperson continued: "Very sadly, any dog which comes into our care - or any other animal rescue charity - who is typed as an XL bully has to be put to sleep by law.

"This isn’t something we agree with, and we have campaigned against breed-specific legislation.

"Animal charities have to follow the law as much as we don’t agree with it and it is a heartbreaking situation."

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