The mugshot of a grandmother, who is set to be sentenced for taking part in violent disorder along with her daughter, has been released.

Vanessa Smith, of Finsbury Avenue, Newton Heath, will appear at Manchester Crown Court on Thursday, September 26, where she will be sentenced for violent disorder.

The 42-year-old has admitted the same offence as her daughter, Nevey Smith, 21, for her part in trouble outside the hotel in Newton Heath on July 31.

Nevey Smith, of West Street, Failsworth, earlier this month admitted violent disorder after being caught on camera throwing liquid from a bottle towards police officers who were trying to maintain order.

Nevey Smith took part in the violent disorder alongside her motherNevey Smith took part in the violent disorder alongside her mother (Image: GMP)

She was also seen pushing her child around in a stroller during the trouble.

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Vanessa Smith, who like her daughter has no previous convictions, is set to be sentenced three days after her daughter.

Daughter Nevey Smith will be sentenced at Manchester Crown Court on Monday, September 23, while Vanessa Smith will be sentenced at the same court on Thursday, September 26.

The court heard that Vanessa Smith had caring responsibilities for a daughter and son who both have health issues.

Vanessa Smith was warned that the judge who sentences her  will have their options open and that she could face jail time.

Judge Patrick Field KC granted Vanessa Smith bail on Thursday, but warned her: “The judge who sentences you will have all sentencing options open to him or her, that must include a custodial sentence, so there must be no misunderstanding.”