A former bakery is set to be converted into a studio apartment and an adjoining barber will expand.

A planning application has been approved which grants the change of use of a former bakery into a studio apartment.

The application also grants the expansion of a barber, Blitz Fade, into a now vacant unit which was previously a travel agent. 

The ground floor of the building was made up of five individual units which housed a bakery, a travel agent and the current barber. 

The current building elevation and floor plansThe current building elevation and floor plans (Image: Belal Rashid Technical Architecture)

The bakery was a donut specialist, Dunk the Donut and the travel agent was SB Travel, both of which have now closed leaving behind vacant sites.

However, the plans outline the expansion of Blitz Fade into the former travel agent as well as the other three units becoming included in the apartment space. 

The apartment will include kitchen, dining, sitting and sleeping areas in an open plan space as well as a new bathroom with a shower. 

The now accepted plans outlining the changes to the floor and roof plansThe now accepted plans outlining the changes to the floor and roof plans (Image: Belal Rashid Technical Architecture)

Plans, which were approved on August 14,  also show the installation of three new skylight windows over the studio, which will be situated to the rear of the building and tenants will gain entry through an existing rear door. 

Previously, Blitz Fade barber had a shared entryway at the front of the building, but now that they are expanding, the front door will be solely theirs to use. 

There is a secondary door on the front of the building, on the left side, which leads to a closed off entry staircase to the unit above the barbers. 

In the planning statement, the planner who submitted the application, Caroline Tamworth Planning, said: "The proposal will make good use of an underused commercial space and the studio apartment will provide spacious, comfortable and modern living accommodation for a small household and will make a positive contribution to the local housing stock.

"There will be no adverse impact on the amenity of the occupants of the existing nearby businesses or dwellings or highway safety as a result of the proposal."