As fireworks continue to blight the borough, readers of The Oldham Times have mapped out the hotspot areas where the problem seems to persist.

Residents across the borough have long reported issues with fireworks that are being let off after the legal timeframe of 11pm and into the early hours.

Many say the nuisance is "endemic" and has been "going on for years", as has been well documented by The Oldham Times.

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Disturbed sleep, startled pets, debris littering public places and fears over safety are just some of the common complaints - and some further claim reporting the issue to the authorities has been fruitless as the police and local council 'fail' to crack down on the issue.

However, Greater Manchester Police and Oldham Council urge residents to keep reporting the issue.

READ MORE: How to make a fireworks complaint in Oldham

More than 150 residents have now told The Oldham Times where they believe the fireworks are coming from and have crowned eight specific areas as the borough's worst hotspots for the nuisance.

In the lead by a long stretch is Chadderton and Westwood.

Julie Youd said she lives near Elk Mill retail park and has seen "significant firework displays" for several nights, to which a resident in Shaw said she could even hear them from her home.

The problem is so bad, that Ms Youd said she wants to foster dogs from rescue charities but the "frequency of fireworks" is stopping her as Suzanne Aspin said her "pooches" are "scared out of their minds".

Kirsty Blyth added: "Chadderton is a joke at the minute, it's getting worse as the weeks go on.

"Then you've got the cars screaming their a***s off flying up the road at stupid o'clock."

Mark Dunkerley said he stopped buying fireworks three years ago since he can now "enjoy other mugs spending their money to entertain me for free".

Others say the cluster of wedding venues in the patch are to blame.

Christine Taylor described Featherstall Road as like "World War Three" with the fireworks and "high-powered cars racing up and down at all hours" to boot.

Last year, The Palm Suite on Middleton Road was served a banning notice while The Eastern Pavilion on Feathertall Road South said it does not permit the use of fireworks and most of its events finish around 11.30pm.

A spokesperson for The Eastern Pavilion said fireworks are being set off in people's residential homes and "nowhere near the venues".

Royton also received a fair share of complaints, particularly around Heyside and Latics' home ground, Boundary Park.

Jo Moran said the fireworks near the stadium "sounded like machine guns" and Emma Whitty said she can hear them in Royton "every night" but that she believes the noise is coming from Chadderton.

She added: "Sick of Broadway sounding like a race track, too."

Moorside, Clayton playfields and Clarksfield/Lees are other particular hotspots according to residents - as is Coldhurst as Lesley McNeil said she "feels sorry for the sick people in the hospital".

A resident joked that the mid-week display of fireworks can be seen from 12am in Glodwick, 1am in Chadderton, 2am in Westwood, 3am in Clarksfield, and 4am in Greenacres.

Wendy Ann Eiffert-Brock said Glodwick, Rounthorn and Abbey Hills are bad, while Kieran Riley also cast his vote for Glodwick (particularly Roundthorn) and Clarksfield, writing: "Ridiculous times, 12am, 1am, 2am, 3am. Something needs to be done now. Some people have to get up for work in the morning.

"People setting fireworks off at silly hours of the morning can stay in bed all day, they don't get disturbed. It's wrong."

The leader of Oldham Council, Arooj Shah, said earlier last month that fireworks should be banned - and some of our readers said they would be glad to sign a petition to back this.

Our map pinpoints certain areas and in some cases, certain streets, where residents suspect the fireworks are either coming from and can be heard/seen from.

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