The mugshot of an Oldham mother who took part in violent disorder in Newton Heath last month has been released.

Yesterday (Monday, August 12), Nevey Smith, of West Street, Failsworth, pleaded guilty to violent disorder at Manchester Magistrates’ Court.

The 21-year-old took part in the violent disorder while she had her child with her in a stroller.

During the hearing, the court heard that Smith threw water at police officers who were outside a hotel in Newton Heath housing asylum seekers.

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Tess Kenyon, prosecuting, told the court: “Footage shows her throwing liquid from a bottle towards police officers who were trying to maintain order.

“She had a child with her in a stroller.”

Robert Moussalli, defending Smith, said she had “lost her temper” during the disorder and “threw some water”.

District Judge Joanne Hirst said to Smith: “You put your own child at risk.”

The judge said that Smith was “not as heavily involved as others in the demonstration” and was “not heard to utter any direct racist abuse”.

The mother has been released on bail and is set to be sentenced at Manchester Crown Court on Monday, August 19.