The MP for Oldham is the latest dignitary in the borough to address far-right attacks as a 'list' of targeted premises is reportedly shared on social media.

Jim McMahon, the MP for Oldham West, Chadderton and Royton and Minister of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, told BBC Radio 4's Today programme that the government is "concerned" about a list of 39 premises shared on Telegram.

The list appears to have been shared by far-right groups with a view to target organisations that assist migrants, refugees and asylum seekers.

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The MP said: "We are concerned about the information that is being shared online.

“All of us are concerned that a list is being circulated.

"We at this point don’t know if those will transpire to be protests in the way that we’ve seen in other places.

"Or whether it’s a list that’s intended just to cause alarm and distress, or even to provoke.

"But to be clear we are absolutely prepared in terms of our policing response, our prosecutor response and also our court response.”

He also said he understands people are "feeling very anxious" in the wake of the violence and potentially more attacks on the way.

He told BBC Breakfast that protesters can expect to "face the full force of the law".

Mr McMahon added: "On one hand, you have people who are setting out to knock down a community, and literally on the other hand you've got people that are building a community back up, sometimes from the dust."

His comments come as the leader of Oldham Council, Arooj Shah, and the Mayor of Oldham, Councillor Zahid Chauhan, issued statements and advice earlier this week.

Cllr Shah said: "The scenes we've seen over the last few days across the country are shocking and upsetting.

"We know that residents and communities are understandably concerned about the violence and hate that we've seen on display.

"We know there is a lot of misinformation being shared on Whatsapp groups and on social media which is causing additional fear and additional concern.

"While some of this is well intended, there are elements seeking to intentionally spread further worries and tensions in our communities and we need to work together to try and stop this happening."

Meanwhile, Cllr Chauhan said: "Thuggery, violence attacking police, emergency workers and innocent people by ANY group on names of religion, nationalism, race etc can’t be justified and all should condemn them.

"You can’t protect British values or Britain by throwing bricks at each other."

The Mayor said his "strongest advice" is to avoid travelling to places with "high tensions" and avoid using "slogans which will fuel tensions further". 

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