An Oldham Preschool has transformed its Ofsted rating following its latest inspection going from 'requires improvement' to 'good' overall.

Shooting Stars Preschool was praised in the report, with children described as being ‘eager’ to enter the setting.

The report by the education watchdog said that managers and staff have ‘worked hard’ to improve the rating and that ‘their commitment and ambition are unmistakeable’.

It told of the staff being ‘caring and friendly’ and helping the children to feel safe and ready to play.

The report also described the creative ways in which the children’s minds are exercised as well as their bodies, such as activities matching dolls’ socks into pairs and putting them on the toys.

Explaining this helps their small muscle development and ability to look closely at shapes, colours and patterns.

The preschool’s report was overall positive about Shooting Stars but pointed out that teaching can sometimes lose direction and that the setting’s provider failed to notify Ofsted of a new director.

The report said: “The team completed training that helps them to assess and support children's speech and language development.

“They have incorporated their new knowledge into the curriculum.

“Staff teach two-year-old children to use prepositions correctly, while they play exciting ball games. They share children's speech and language targets with parents.

“This enables parents to continue the learning at home.”

The report also highlighted the setting’s ability to teach children multiple things in one activity, for example teaching them new words surrounding emotions also teaches them to talk and make sense of their feelings.

They also take the children out of the pre-school often, according to the report, by taking them on trips to the shops and teaching them to safely walk on the pavements.

According to the inspection, risks to the health and safety of the children are minimised when noticed.

In the report, it references a recent occurrence of this value where managers at the setting noticed a risk in the baby room and placed foam edging on the corners of the walls to negate this.