An Oldham primary school where children are "happy and proud" to be part of the school has improved from requires improvement to good following a recent Ofsted inspection.

After the visit from Ofsted inspectors on April 16 and 17, St Hilda's Church of England Primary School on Tilbury Street in Coldhurst has seen a major improvement in the eyes of the education watchdog.

St Hilda's was told it required improvement in January 2020 and has now been told it has managed to make important changes and improve its rating.

Pupils are said to be "happy and settled", as well as being "proud" to be part of the school's community.

According to the inspection report, the school has established a culture where there are high expectations for students, which has improved the pupils' aspirations.

The school's curriculum was a major area of concern during the last inspection, and the new report says a "strong focus" was put on improving the curriculum, which is now described as "suitably ambitious".

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While the changes are said to have been largely successful, pupils’ attainment in some subjects was significantly below national averages in 2023.

However, students are said to be "achieving well".

Pupils are said to behave "well" and are provided with a variety of "rich experiences", such as a live music concert in the school and trips outside of its grounds.

Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are said to be identified quickly and given support.

The report said that the school needs to improve at identifying the essential information the students need to learn and, at times, the activities teachers choose to help pupils learn.

St Hilda's CE Primary School Headteacher Patricia Burton said: "The governors and I are absolutely delighted with the outcome of our most recent Ofsted inspection, which recognizes not only the accomplishments and achievements of our children but also the unwavering dedication of the staff team."

"Our efforts are assisted by a truly special community of supportive families, with whom staff work in partnership, ensuring children fulfil their potential and make their aspirations a reality.

"It is a privilege to provide our children with an excellent educational offer and to prepare them for the next step of their journey. Our status as a “Good” school is well-deserved, however, we continue to hone our practice and aim for even stronger outcomes."

Oldham Council cabinet member for Education and Skills, Cllr Mohon Ali, praised the commitment of staff at the school and the happiness of the students.

He described the teachers as "driven" and the school as "fantastic".