A man who sent a "grossly offensive" voicemail to a Conservative MP when he was serving as the Home Secretary has avoided jail.

Mohammed Rahman appeared at Tameside Magistrates' Court on Monday, July 15 to be sentenced having previously pleaded guilty to sending a communication conveying a threatening message.

On December 7 last year, Rahman, 39, left a voicemail for James Cleverly MP, who at the time was serving as the Home Secretary under the Conservative government, which had information described as "grossly offensive".

The voicemail, left by Rahman, was sent with the intention of causing Mr Cleverly, now the Shadow Home Secretary and MP for Braintree, Essex, distress or anxiety.

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Rahman, of Queen Street, Shaw, pleaded guilty to the offence on June 6 before he was sentenced last week.

He was handed a 16-week prison sentence, suspended for 12 months.

Rahman's sentence was suspended as the court felt he had "demonstrated a willingness to work on rehabilitation" and he had not been in trouble for a "considerable time".

He was also ordered to carry out 180 hours of unpaid work and to attend 15 days of rehabilitation activity requirement.

Rahman was also made to pay a victim surcharge of £154 and court costs of £85.