Oldham's MPs have welcomed the announcements made in the King's Speech.

King Charles’ speech at the State Opening of Parliament on Wednesday saw more than 40 bills announced, the most since 2005.

Borough MPs Jim McMahon and Debbie Abrahams, who represent Labour, hope the bills will be able to make major improvements to people's lives.  

MP McMahon, who is stands for Oldham West, Chadderton and Royton, said: "For too long, the people of Oldham, Chadderton and Royton have been shortchanged by a Tory government which again and again did not deliver the rising living standards that local people deserved, while also reneging on promise after promise.

"Labour has regained the trust of the British people and is hitting the ground running on delivering the change we have all been crying out for: a government of service over self-interest that will carry out a decade of national renewal.

"I prioritised good jobs, decent homes, a safe place, and community ownership at the General Election and this legislative programme shows how we are going to deliver on these priorities for local people.

"Whether it is banning exploitative zero-hour contracts, cracking down on anti-social behaviour, or ending no-fault evictions for renters; Labour has policy after policy to address the problems which matter to ordinary people and that will increase prosperity for the hard-working, decent people of our borough."

Oldham East and Saddleworth MP Ms Abrahams said: “I welcome the King’s Speech and particularly the focus on fairness and opportunity for all, reflecting my election promises.

"I understand the importance of ensuring we have a vibrant, stable economy which, with sustainable growth, will enable us to renew & restore our over-stretched public services.

"The commitment in our manifesto for A New Deal for Working People is also front and centre in the King's Speech, which will transform the lives of families up and down the country.

"Similarly the English devolution bill has the potential to shift power and decision-making closer to the people.

"There are massive opportunities through the new GB Energy company to support new, quality jobs while reducing energy bills for my constituents.

"I was pleased to see the Children’s Wellbeing Bill. You can't have wellbeing while living in poverty. As a parallel announcement on the Child Poverty Task Force has confirmed, this is central to both Bridget Phillipson and Liz Kendall's vision.

"In order to guarantee our children’s safety and happiness, we must tackle the root causes of poverty, ensuring no child is left behind. So that's why announcements on housing are also key.

"As a nation, we are in a SEND education crisis. As the Labour government develops its education policy, I hope to see due attention given to the 1.6 million pupils with learning disabilities in the UK.

"I am also determined to champion the rights of disabled people who for too long have borne the brunt of hardship meted out by consecutive Conservative governments.

"We must remind ourselves that the King’s Speech is but a snapshot of the work the government plans to do over the next five years, and I will do all I can to ensure we tackle poverty and inequalities across Oldham, Saddleworth and the UK."