More than £500,000 in funding has been allocated towards modernising and improving the building that houses Gallery Oldham and the borough's central library.

Arts Council England has given the money to Oldham Council to pay for the two separate projects under the same roof which will help improve visitors' experiences.

The money will also go towards upgrading systems that are more than 20 years old, therefore minimising future maintenance and repair costs. 

The Museum Estate and Development Fund has granted £287,375 which will be used is to improve Gallery Oldham infrastructure and environmental performance.

The funding allows for the installation of a new Building Energy Management System and energy efficient lighting across all areas.

This will result in a more sustainable and environmentally friendly venue that provides for the needs of the collections and visitors.

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Meanwhile, a grant from the Library Improvement Fund is used for upgrading libraries and technology to meet the changing needs of users.

The £277,000 the council has been awarded will be used to improve the layout and visitor offer, providing more flexibility and allowing for a wider range of uses for the already busy building, which welcomed more than 500,000 last year.

Cllr Peter Dean, Cabinet Member for Thriving Communities and Culture, said: “Gallery Oldham and central library are two of our most important cultural buildings when it comes to visitor numbers.

“It’s really good news that we’ve received this funding to make sure they are user friendly and fit for purpose for years to come.”

The works are expected to begin later this year and, with the council saying some short term disruption should be expected.

The council said it will keep residents posted about the works and disruption closer to the time.