A school in Oldham has been recognised for its dedication to sustainability and for inspiring its students to tackle environmental issues with a national award.

Hathershaw College on Bellfield Avenue has been awarded the Chester Zoo Outstanding Conservation School Award, a significant recognition under Chester Zoo's conservation education programme.

The prestigious accolade was presented to Mrs Lott, the school's sustainability lead, during a celebratory ceremony on Thursday (July 11) on behalf of Hathershaw's dedicated student eco committee.

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The Hathershaw College eco committee is composed of several environmentally conscious students who meet each half term to drive the school's sustainability efforts.

This year, they launched a 'no idling' campaign, aimed at reducing unnecessary vehicle emissions around the school which was prompted by educational posters to encourage parents to turn off their engines during student pick-ups.

The initiative is part of a broader strategy to foster a cleaner, healthier environment in the local community.

The group are also committed to global environmental issues, having recently organised a fundraiser for Water Aid to support global access to clean water.

The latest award comes as the school was also celebrated during the Pinnacle Trust's first eco conference on April 24 this year which brought students together from across the trust and culminated in the creation of an 'eco code' and the planting of trees around the school grounds in cooperation with the Woodland Trust.

Conservation themes have also been explored at the school through the arts, inspiring the drama club to produce an impactful theatrical performance on the topic which was performed at the eco conference.

Now, the national Chester Zoo award recognises Hathershaw College not just as a school but as a community of young leaders, educators and activists who are committed to conservation.

The school was one of only three finalists nationwide, highlighting the significant impact of their environmental initiatives, both locally and globally, and embodying the spirit of sustainability that the Chester Zoo Outstanding Conservation School Award seeks to comment.

Reacting to the award, Mark Giles, the school's Principal, said: “I am absolutely delighted that our school have been considered worthy winners of this award. 

"Hathershaw and the wider trust take their responsibility to the environment, sustainability and conservation extremely seriously, recognising that we have one planet and one chance to limit the impact we have on it. 

"Our young people are heavily invested in this agenda and work closely with Mrs Lott on a variety of related issues. 

"This award means the world to us, particularly on a national and prestigious platform.”

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