A decision is set to be made on plans to build 21 new homes in Shaw, with the plans having been recommended for refusal.

An application submitted by applicants Nordia Homes looks to develop the new homes on two parcels of land in Shaw, which can be accessed via Knowl Road and Lilac View Close.

The proposal has been opposed by dozens of people and will be decided on on Wednesday (July 17), where members of the council's planning committee will be recommended to refuse it.

The development would see 17 houses developed on a large parcel of land accessed via Lilac View Close, while the other four homes would be built on a smaller brownfield site on Knowl Road.

The parcels of land where the houses would be developedThe parcels of land where the houses would be developed (Image: Millson Group)

According to an application report prepared by a council planning officer, the site adjoins the green belt but does not infringe on it. The planning officer accepted the principle of housing on the proposed site.

Homes would be a mix of detached and semi-detached houses, which would range from two to four bedrooms, with the proposal including four affordable units to comply with affordable housing guidelines.

The houses would be a mix of detached and semi-detachedThe houses would be a mix of detached and semi-detached (Image: Millson Group)

However, the plans have been recommended for refusal on grounds of the scheme not adequately contributing towards the provision of public open space.

Major housing schemes are required to contribute towards the development of public open space, and according to the plans, there would be open space along the northern part of the site.

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However, the council has said a contribution of almost £140,000 needs to be made by Nordia Homes towards open space, however the applicant has said they do not think the scheme would be financially viable if they had to pay that amount.

The planning officer who prepared an application report said Nordia Homes did not submit any evidence to support their claim that the scheme would no longer be viable if they had to pay the required sum, and therefore the application has been recommended for refusal.

A design of the proposed housesA design of the proposed houses (Image: Millson Group)

Dozens of comments objecting to the application were left online, which included concerns regarding the impact the scheme would have on highway safety, the increased noise and loss of privacy for residents and the impact on nature and biodiversity in the area.