"I strongly believe there is somebody out there who knows what happened that night."

Raheela Durrani and her family are still searching for answers 15 years after her brother Junaid Khan, 21, was shot dead in a GP surgery car park on Block Lane, Chadderton, on July 9, 2009.

He had been visiting friends and was shot with a machine gun when he returned to his car.

Four men were on trial in 2011 in connection with Junaid's death but were cleared, the BBC reported at the time.

But as the years pass, his family have never stopped fighting for justice.

Raheela said: "It's frustrating that after 15 years, we have still not gotten to the bottom of it.

"You hear these kind of things happening, and sometimes you look at documentaries where there's solved cases, and so I am in hope that one day, someone will come forward.

"I strongly believe there is somebody out there who knows what happened that night but maybe because of fear of being hurt they might not want to come forward."

Raheela stressed that the police have assured that anyone who comes forward with information will be protected and kept completely confidential. 

Since he was 16, Junaid had largely taken over running his family's business, Mumtaz General Store, which has since been renamed Junaid General Store.

He had also enrolled in a college course, but Raheela said his main focus was on helping his father run the store. 

She said: "He was running the shop, he would go to the cash and carry with my dad and get all the stuff in. Because my dad can't lift heavy stuff, he used to do everything. 

"Even going on holiday, Junaid would think twice because he would think 'I can't leave the business, my dad's not well I can't just leave him on his own'. 

"He was really considerate in that way, and even at a young age he was that considerate- he would only have one day off on Sundays and then work 9am till 7pm every other day."

Their father, Mumtaz Khan, is now struggling to run the store on his own, having employed staff over the years but feeling it is not the same and struggling to trust anyone the way he did his son. 

The shop contains a residential unit, where Mr Khan still lives.

Despite become "quite unwell" over the years, Mr Khan has refused his family's suggestions to move into a more adaptable residence, such as a bungalow, as he feels connected to Junaid's memories. 

The BBC reported at the time that Greater Manchester Police (GMP) said the offenders left in a silver Mitsubishi Shogun, which was later found burnt out.

Detective Sergeant Clare Smith, from GMP’s cold case unit, said: “With the 15th anniversary of Junaid’s death passing, I’d like to take this opportunity to stress that a case is never closed until we have secured justice.

“It’s never right that a parent should have to bury their child and we cannot comprehend the pain that Junaid’s family have had to endure all these years in not knowing what has happened to him.

“We know that 15 years is a long time, but with cases like this, someone, somewhere knows what happened to him and any information passed to us will be assessed and treated with the utmost seriousness.  

“For whatever reason they did not come forward, it’s never too late.

"We know that loyalties change over the course of time, and it just takes one piece of new evidence to help us get Junaid’s family the closure they deserve.

“Anyone with information about Junaid’s murder should contact us on 0161 856 5978, 101 or through the independent charity Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.”

Raheela said the loss of Junaid still affects her mother too, and said she always "breaks down". 

She said: "The main thing is that justice- when there's a bit of closure, when the case is closed and someone is brought to justice you can think 'well at least they're in prison' but in Junaid's case, whoever has done it is out there.

"It's quite scary that someone who did this, is out there- I think that when I'm going out and driving to work.

"They've not been caught and they're very dangerous because they used a machine gun to shoot Junaid, God knows where they got the weapon from as well and that's never been found either."

Raheela added: "They're still out there, the weapon is still out there and they could do this to someone else- probably already did it, we just don't know

"We never want any other family going through what we did, especially coming to 15 years and we have no justice."