A police cordon was put in place in Oldham town centre yesterday (Sunday, July 7) after people involved in a car crash "chased each other on foot brandishing weapons".

Greater Manchester Police (GMP) shared at around 6.45pm that they were responding to an incident on Yorkshire Street after two cars were involved in a crash.

The occupants of the two cars then left their vehicles and GMP believes "they chased each other on foot brandishing weapons".

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Special officers were deployed to the area and a police cordon was put in place on Yorkshire Street and Horsedge Street as officers investigated the incident.

The statement from GMP read: "We understand the concern this will cause in the surrounding areas and further afield across Oldham as we received a number of reports from members of the public to alert us to this incident.

"We have put a cordon in place on Yorkshire Street and Horsedge Street whilst officers work to establish the cause of this incident.

"We have increased the number of highly visible patrols in the area and thank members of the public for their patience whilst we conduct further enquiries."

GMP have been approached for an update on this matter.