Three men have denied attempted murder after one man was shot and another was stabbed in Oldham.

The charges relate to an incident on Busk Road, Chadderton, on the evening of Wednesday, May 22.

One man had presented himself at Royal Oldham Hospital Accident and Emergency with gunshot wounds, while another had received "serious knife wounds" at the scene.

Police launched an investigation and charged three men with attempted murder, while two were charged with possessing an offensive weapon and one was charged with possession of a firearm with intent to cause fear of violence.

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At Minshull Street Crown Court yesterday (Wednesday, July 3), Stephen Wilson, Jordan Aston and McCauly Brooker all pleaded not guilty to attempted murder.

Both Wilson, of Salford, and Aston, of no fixed abode, pleaded not guilty to possession of an offensive weapon while Brooker, of Southway, Eccles, denied possession of a firearm with intent to cause fear of violence.

Wilson, 28, Aston, 33, and Brooker, 24, are all set to face a trial which has been scheduled for November later this year.

All three are charged with an alternative charge of causing grievous bodily harm to attempted murder.