Plans have been approved to build a new home on a vacant plot of land in a residential area, planning documents have shown.

In June last year, a proposal was submitted to develop a new house on a patch of land on Wimpole Street, Higginshaw.

The plot of land was previously occupied by garages but is now vacant, however, the approval of the planning application will see a new four-bedroom detached dwelling built on the site.

The house will be two storeys high and will provide two parking spaces, with a garden area as well.

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An application report prepared by an Oldham Council planning officer stated that developing the house in a largely residential area was suitable and that there would not be a "detrimental impact on the character of the area".

The officer also said that the amenity of neighbours would not be harmed.

The plans were recommended for approval and were formally given the green light on Thursday, June 27.