A young man from Oldham who was imprisoned for driving at a couple has been handed more time behind bars for an assault and stalking.

Joshua Bunn, 22, was jailed for four years and seven months back in January after having pleaded guilty to attempting to cause grievous bodily harm, assault occasioning actual bodily harm and dangerous driving.

The events centred around the early hours of September 19, 2020, when a couple had been out for a meal and drinks in Royton.

Joshua Bunn is already behind barsJoshua Bunn is already behind bars (Image: Facebook)

After spotting Bunn getting into his car and beginning to drive off when they believed him to be intoxicated, husband Connor Winters told Bunn not to drink and drive.

Bunn, who was 19 at the time, ignored this and then drove at Mr Winters, knocking him to the floor, before reversing and driving at both him and his wife, Claire, while she attended to them.

READ MORE: Man drove at couple who said he shouldn't drink and drive in 'terrifying' attack

The pair escaped serious injuries but spoke in court of their trauma, saying they were left "shaken and terrified" by the incident.

Bunn was eventually arrested and imprisoned more than three years later.

Now, Bunn, previously of Windmill Close, Royton, will spend more time in prison due to separate offences.

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Whilst on bail for the incident in September 2020, Bunn engaged in a period of stalking a woman, who he also assaulted.

A trial was due to start at Minshull Street Crown Court yesterday (Tuesday, June 24), but Bunn pleaded guilty in the morning and was sentenced in the afternoon.

He was given two years in prison, which will be added on to his current sentence, and was also issued a restraining order, preventing him from contacting his victim for 10 years.