A man, who was collecting food in Oldham, said he returned to his car to find a group in the process of vandalising it. 

Posting about the incident on social media, along with a video of the alleged vandals, he said the incident occurred at around 9.55pm on Saturday, July 22.

He said the car suffered damage to one of its wing mirrors, causing it to become detached and dangle from the car. 

When returning to his car on Horsedge Street, the man said he managed to stop the group, one man and two women, by shouting at them and asking what they were doing. 

The car owner told them that they must have the damage repaired and he then claimed one of the group attempted to attack him, but was prevented by his female companions. 

In a video on social media, which has since been deleted, the group then began to walk away down nearby Bartlam Place and start dancing and gesturing towards the camera. 

The incident was reported to police who, it is understood, have now closed the case due to difficulty securing CCTV footage to identify the suspects. 

Greater Manchester Police has been approached for comment.