A total of three people, including one from Oldham, who were involved in a brawl at a holiday park in Wales have been spared jail.

Christopher Whitby, 40, of Carisbrooke Road, Liverpool; Edward Williamson, 41, of Alfred Street, Oldham; and Tanya Williamson, 41, of Milnrow Road, Rochdale; were all handed suspended sentences at Caernarfon Crown Court today (June 21).

Each of them had previously admitted a charge of affray, while Tanya Williamson had also pleaded guilty to two counts of assaulting an emergency worker.

Prosecuting, Richard Edwards told the court that, just after midnight on March 19, 2023, police attended Ty Mawr Holiday Park in Towyn after reports of a fight at the premises.

The defendants and their families had been at the park’s bar since about 8pm on March 18, and were described by staff as appearing “a bit niggly to each other”.

Whitby was initially seen talking to another male, who he later came into physical contact with, causing security staff to “rush in” to separate them.

As staff tried to move them out of the bar area, families and young children were present, while a fancy dress party was also ongoing.

A security officer tried to separate and restrain those who were fighting, during which he described numerous people throwing punches towards him.

The disturbance continued outside, with Whitby “throwing wild punches”, and Mrs Williamson punching another officer as he was trying to detain Whitby.

Both Mr and Mrs Williamson, a married couple, were said to have continued to assault a security officer, with Mrs Williamson seen to be scratching at his face and, at one stage, putting her fingers in his mouth.

Another police constable used a spray in an attempt to pacify the defendants, with Mr and Mrs Williamson “on top of” a security guard and Mrs Williamson seen punching a security guard to the head.

As a police officer pulled Mrs Williamon away from the security guard, she was heard to shout: “Get the f*** off me, b****,” before slapping the officer to the chest.

Whitby, meanwhile, continued his “wild punches” towards security staff while shouting aggressively.

After the defendants were arrested, Whitby told police something had happened earlier that evening to cause the fallout with security staff.

Mr Williamson said he saw two men “kicking off” and wanted to help security to get them to leave, while Mrs Williamson said she “panicked” after seeing her husband in a headlock.

Defending Whitby, who had one previous conviction for as many offences, Simon Rogers said his client “accepts full responsibility” for his actions, which were “out of character”.

Representing Mr Williamson, who had four previous convictions for six offences, Matthew Dunford said he, too, is remorseful, having “became involved outside the bar”.

Mitigating for Mrs Williamson, who was of previous good character, Elen Owen said she was “initially the peacemaker” as she tried to pull people away, but said she now accepts she “totally overreacted”.

Judge Nicola Saffman, presiding over the hearing, issued the following sentences:

  • Whitby and Edward Williamson were both sentenced to eight months’ imprisonment, suspended for one year.
  • Tanya Williamson was sentenced to 12 months’ imprisonment, suspended for the same period.

She acknowledged that the defendants were “clearly capable of rehabilitation”.