A drop-in event is being held for jobseekers in Oldham, allowing them to talk to employability experts and start transforming their lives through finding work. 

On Wednesday, June 26, The Salvation Army in Oldham, located on Roundthorn Road, will host the event for jobseekers, who will be able to meet employment development co-ordinators to get employment advice, training and volunteering information.

The event will run between 10am and 1pm, while refreshments will also be provided.

Partner organisations who provide local wellbeing support will also be in attendance.

The Salvation Army’s Employment Plus service looks to support people into quality work, not just any job.

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The service aims to help people who face the biggest barriers to employment such as a lack of up to-to date skills and those who have been unable to search for work due to health problems, disability, or homelessness.

In Oldham, there are 6,200 people who are classed as economically inactive, meaning they want to find work, but cannot apply for jobs for reasons including caring responsibilities and poor physical or mental health.

Peter Maybury, regional manager for The Salvation Army’s Employment Plus department, said: "We see thousands of people who are desperate to work but are being held back by the job market for reasons that are very often beyond their control.

"Our event on 26th June is a celebration of the lives transformed through employability, as well as an opportunity for local jobseekers to drop in and find out what specialist support is available to them. Everyone is welcome."

In the past 12 months, Employment Plus has helped nearly 5,000 people across the UK and Ireland with job support.