A man has been ordered to pay hundreds of pounds due to complaints from residents over noise from his home.

Ajmal Mahmood was served an abatement notice by Oldham Council on October 13, 2021, due to noise coming from his home address which was a nuisance to neighbours.

However, despite having been served the notice, Mahmood, 43, failed to comply with the notice on four separate occasions.

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On October 21, 22, 23, and 24 in 2021, sound from amplified equipment came from his property and disturbed neighbouring residents.

Mahmood, of Kelverlow Street, Clarksfield, initially denied the four counts of failing to comply with an abatement notice, but, at Tameside Magistrates' Court on May 31, he changed his plea to guilty on all four charges.

He was ordered to pay fines totalling £216, court costs of £200 and a victim surcharge of £34, bringing his total costs to £450.