Oldham Foodbank has announced it helped more people than ever during May as it fed more than 2,000 people.

The foodbank, which is overseen by Father Tom Davis, has thanked people for their donations but admitted it is conflicted about the figures, saying it is not sure if "it's a thing to celebrate".

In a post on its Facebook page, the foodbank said it provided 987 food parcels during May, feeding 2,390 people in total.

This included 1,454 adults and 936 children.

The Oldham Times: The industrial estate where Oldham Foodbank operates out ofThe industrial estate where Oldham Foodbank operates out of (Image: Google Maps)

The post read: "Thanks to your continuing kindness in May we were able to help more than ever.

"Not totally sure it's a thing to celebrate but we couldn't do it without you."

The foodbank, which operates out of a warehouse on Vulcan Street, added that it still needs a number of items as it continues to help people who need the support.

Their "wish list" for June includes cooking sauce, tinned fish, tinned fruit, milk, baby milk one and two, dog food and toilet roll.

The Oldham Times: Father Tom Davis oversees the provisionFather Tom Davis oversees the provision (Image: Oldham Foodbank)

Meanwhile, in terms of toiletries, the foodbank is appealing for shampoo, deodorant etc., washing powder/liquid and washing up liquid.

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Last year, Oldham Foodbank fed more people than ever before - an eyewatering 27,371 in total.

This was despite the fact that had struggled to stock the shelves as demand outweighed supply, like in July when it ran out of "everything".

Volunteers at the foodbank pack items and deliver the parcels to people in need which Father Tom, says mitigates against any possible embarrassment families might feel if they collected the items.