A planning application to transform a three-storey office block in the town centre of Oldham into a house in multiple occupation (HMO) has been rejected for being too small for occupiers.

In March this year, Mr Ahmod Ali submitted a proposal to turn a vacant block of offices on Retiro Street into a four-bed HMO.

The plans outlined the ground floor would contain a kitchen and shared yard, while the first floor would have one bedroom with an ensuite while the second floor would make way for the other three bedrooms, each with a shower room and toilet.

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However, assessing the plans in April, a planning officer found the applicant failed to supply evidence that proves there is no market for the offices to continue as commercial premises but that, "on balance", the principle for change of use to residential could still be established.

The officer further found the suggested HMO would not pose any risk to neighbouring properties such as noise or disturbance.

However, the report pointed out that while there is a shared kitchen, the plan does not include a separate shared living room.

The absence of a communal living room means all bedroom sizes must meet a minimum room size standard, which the proposal fails to meet.

In addition, the minimum size for kitchens for one to five occupiers must be 7m2, yet the plans show the kitchen would only be 6.35m2, below the minimum threshold.

The officer wrote: "As a result, the applicant has failed to demonstrate that there would be a reasonable standard of living for the occupants".

The plans also do not outline any provision for parking yet considering the "small size" of the rear yard, provision for cycle storage could not be accommodated.

As a result of the "substandard bedroom sizes, inadequate kitchen facilities and the failure to provide communal living accommodation", Oldham Council rejected the plan on May 28.

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