A drunk driver who threatened to kill two men who tried to get him to "see sense" before trying to run them over has been jailed.

Thomas Holmes appeared at Minshull Street Crown Court on Wednesday, May 22, after pleading guilty to drink driving, dangerous driving, two counts of attempting to cause actual bodily harm through assault and harassment.

Prosecutor Megan Horner told the court that between April 19 and 22 last month, Holmes, of Pellowe Road, Oldham, repeatedly contacted an ex-partner, which although not threatening, amounted to unwanted harassment.

The court then heard that on April 21, the 52-year-old was driving a Jaguar in Oldham while he was under the influence of alcohol.

He was driving on Schofield Street, Hathershaw, a residential street with cars parked on either side, when he was confronted with an oncoming car.

Holmes reacted by leaving his car and remonstrating with the driver of the other car, before he went to the boot of his car and retrieved a pool cue in a box, which he threatened the driver with.

The Oldham Times: Schofield Street, OldhamSchofield Street, Oldham (Image: Google Maps)

The two men in the car got out and Holmes returned to his car and began driving with his door open.

Noticing Holmes was clearly intoxicated, the two men tried to get him to "see sense" and leave his car, however, he responded by saying: "Watch, I will run you over.

"Go back, I will kill you, I will run you over."

Holmes drove at the pair and made contact with them, however neither sustained any serious injuries.

He then reversed down Schofield Street at speed, crashing into some parked cars in the process.

After the incident, Holmes went to get a pizza and more alcohol, some of which he consumed before he was arrested and was found to be more than three times over the legal drink driving limit.

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Defence counsel Mark Fireman told the court in mitigation that Holmes' high alcohol reading was partly due to the alcohol he consumed after the incident and that he struggled with alcoholism.

Mr Fireman said Holmes was looking to continue his rehabilitation and was remorseful for his actions.

Passing sentence, Judge Joanne Woodward said Holmes had "disregarded warning" and his actions had been "highly dangerous".

She added that it was "fortunate" that neither of the two men suffered serious injuries caused by Holmes.

Judge Woodward sentenced him to 18 months in prison for his actions.

She also issued him with a restraining order, prohibiting him from contacting his ex-partner in any way or visiting her address or place of work for an indefinite period.

Finally, Judge Woodward banned Holmes from driving for four years and two months, adding that he must take an extended retest before he can get behind the wheel again.