We know it's not just us when we say there's nothing like exploring a new hotel room and seeing what little luxuries have been left for your stay. 

Whether it's complimentary biscuits or mini toiletries, most of us are not strangers to taking a few treats home without us to prolong that holiday feeling. 

But do you know what items are absolutely okay for you to take away with you and which ones you absolutely should leave behind?

Lucky for us, etiquette expert Mark Kowalczyk from Special Moment has revealed what is acceptable to pinch and what may get you in trouble just in time for your next holiday or weekend away.

What items can you take from a hotel room?


It's acceptable to take home the cheap white slippers since they never reuse them.

You'll know the ones we mean when they say that they come in plastic packaging and are usually found in the hotel wardrobe.

“If you've been wearing those comfy slippers all weekend, the hotel will need to discard them anyway, so it's generally considered acceptable to take them home,” the expert commented.


Hotels usually throw away partially used bottles of toiletries, so if you've used the little shampoos and conditioners, it's generally considered acceptable to take them home. 

“If you use toiletries, it’s better to take them as it is better for the environment and the hotel is unlikely to complain," Mark explained.

"If you haven't touched them at all, then you may want to consider leaving them behind,” the expert recommends. 

Pens and notepads

By all means, feel free to take the branded pen and paperback notepad from your hotel room.

“Taking pens and notepads is popular, as they are little mementoes of the hotel and they won’t mind if you do take them," the etiquette expert elaborated.

"These touches often serve as free marketing for the hotel, so they kind of expect to be taken.”

What can you not take from a hotel room?

Dressing gowns 

In the past, guests were quite open about taking bathrobes from hotels. However, in recent years, most hotels have made it quite clear that a missing robe will be charged to the room.

“Unlike slippers, hotels can easily launder bathrobes used by guests," Mark said.

"If you do end up taking one, you’ll be charged, as these are costly for the hotel to replace,” the expert warned.

Pillows and towels 

This one should be obvious, but just in case it isn’t, hotels don’t want you to take their towels and pillows home.

Taking them is generally frowned upon and will cost a significant amount to replace, so most hotels will charge you if yours go missing. 

Clothes hangers

While it might be tempting to nick a few extra hangers from your hotel room, it's best to resist the urge.

Although they may seem insignificant, hangers are essential items for hotel operations, so it's best to leave them behind to avoid any unexpected charges. 

Recommended reading

Batteries from the TV remote 

You might be wondering why you're seeing this, but many hotel managers have confessed that guests occasionally steal batteries from the remote.

“Don’t take batteries from the remote. If you need any, ask at reception as they may have some spare or they can direct you to a nearby shop,” the expert noted.