All of these cases involving people from Oldham have been before the magistrates in the month so far.

A man has been sentenced after driving for hire in Manchester despite not being licenced to do so and not having insurance.

Qamar Rehman, of Merton Avenue, Oldham, was the driver of a car on Chepstow Street in Manchester city centre on January 22 this year.

He was making himself available as a taxi driver however his car was not licenced as one.

It was also discovered that Rehman was driving without insurance.

At Wigan and Leigh Magistrates' Court on November 2, he was found guilty of both offences in his absence.

Rehman was ordered to pay fines totalling £880, a victim surcharge of £352 and further costs of £350, bringing his total costs to £1,582.

His driving record was also endorsed with eight points.

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A man who drove without due care and attention and obstructed a police officer carrying out their duty has been sentenced.

Richard Philpot, of St Hilda's Road, Old Trafford, Manchester, was behind the wheel on Millgate in Delph on January 1 this year when he was found to be driving without due care and attention.

On January 2, also in Oldham, the 44-year-old was found to have obstructed a police officer who was who was in the execution of her duty.

Philpot pleaded guilty to both offences and at Liverpool Magistrates' Court on Monday, November 13, he was sentenced.

He was made to pay fines totalling £750, a victim surcharge of £300 and court costs of £600, bringing his total costs to £1,650.

Philpot's driving record was also endorsed with six points.

An Oldham man has been sentenced for acting in an indecent manner towards a person in London.

Daniel McCamphill, of Ralstone Avenue, Hathershaw, was at Victoria Station in the capital on June 8 last year when he behaved in an indecent manner towards a person, therefore committing an act outraging public decency.

The 31-year-old pleaded not guilty on March 10 this year, however he was found guilty on October 13 following a summary trial.

At Westminster Magistrates' Court on November 10, McCamphill was sentenced.

He was handed a community order, requiring him to carry out 250 hours of unpaid work and attend 30 days of rehabilitation activity requirement.

He was also ordered to pay £200 in compensation.