Two men have been charged with cultivating cannabis after a huge farm worth more than £1m was found in Derker earlier this week.

Hundreds of cannabis plants were discovered at an address on Collett Street on Wednesday (October 18) during a raid by Greater Manchester Police (GMP).

Two men were arrested for their suspected involvement with the farm and appeared at Tameside Magistrates Court today (October 20).

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In an update, GMP said Tomas Sateika, 52 and of no fixed abode, was charged with cultivating cannabis.

Haroldas Musiejukas, 32, also of no fixed abode, was charged with the same offence.

The pair have been remanded into prison from the court.

The Oldham Times: Chief Superintendent Phil Hutchinson said the force is working hard to root out cannabis farmsChief Superintendent Phil Hutchinson said the force is working hard to root out cannabis farms (Image: GMP)

The discovery of the £1m farm comes as the total street value of cannabis seized by officers in the past month tops an eyewatering £4m.

Chief Superintendent Phil Hutchinson of GMP's Oldham District, said: “Our work in the past month alone is testament to how well our officers are doing at rooting out this issue.

“This is not a victimless crime – there is a web of organised criminality behind these recent seizures.

“Thanks to the community we were able to conduct this warrant today, which led to a huge discovery."

Anyone with information on suspected cannabis farms are being urged to report it online at GMP using the live chat button or anonymously through Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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