Detailed plans for a drive-thru Costa cafe next to a controversial new Aldi store in Oldham have been lodged.

An application to build a new foodstore, along with car parking, and an internal road at land at Broadway Green Business Park in Chadderton, as well as a ‘flexible use’ commercial unit was approved by Oldham’s planning committee last October.

The supermarket had previously applied to the council to build a new hub at the land off Lydia Becker Way, but it was rejected earlier that year after councillors said they wanted to hold out for ‘high quality’ jobs on the site.

Aldi’s spokesperson said the site had been marketed ‘extensively’ for industrial purposes since 2013, without success, and a food store was an ‘ideal solution’.

The company has now submitted a reserved matters application for the ‘flexible use commercial unit’ next to the Aldi, which is under construction.

Under the plans now lodged with the council, this would be a drive-thru cafe with a small area of outdoor seating.

Documents submitted by the company state that it will be occupied by Costa Coffee once built.

The one-storey building would cover a floorspace of nearly 200sqm, and the plan includes four new short stay cycle spaces. It would share car parking facilities with the Aldi store.

Delivery and servicing vehicles will arrive and exit via the wider site access to Lydia Becker Way to the north of the site.

The planning statement submitted with the application states: “In terms of design, the proposed building promotes a contemporary approach that responds to the mixed context and what is a relatively prominent site for those travelling on Lydia Becker Way.

“The proposed development will provide a high-quality drive through café unit set within attractive landscaping that will contribute positively to the local area.”

A decision on the application is expected by the end of September.