AMENDED plans to turn a block of derelict Saddleworth toilets into a cafe operated by Grandpa Greene's based in Diggle have been revealed.

In March, plans submitted to convert the abandoned toilets in King George V Playing Fields on Wade Row, Uppermill into a cafe were met by dozens of objections.

Objectors cited concerns such as the loss of space, parking, and litter as potential problems.

Several people said the fields are popular amongst children and young people, who use it to play ball games, but the proposed cafe would prevent this.

In response, Grandpa Greene's sent an amended proposal to Oldham Council on Friday, May 20.

Two days later, Rick Scholes, the managing director of Grandpa Greene’s, revealed the details of the amended plans along with an image of the updated proposals on social media.

In a post published on the business’s Facebook page on Monday, Rick stressed that Grandpa Greene’s, which has been trading in Saddleworth since 2005, understands ‘the importance of village life and protecting the community and local environment’.

The post added that the cafe will offer a disabled public toilet facility 364 days a year.

The original public toilets were built in 2000 but forced to close in 2018 due to vandalism and anti-social behaviour.

The Facebook post went on to list the ‘key amendments’ made to the scheme.

Amendments include the removal of all decking and external timber cladding to the stonework and brickwork, while the green roof has been retained.

The entrance to the cafe to the west has been reduced in size, resulting in an overall reduction in extension size- the proposed extension is now 52 square metres in floor area, making a total floor space of 85 square metres.

The bin store has also been significantly reduced in size and a litter management plan has been submitted which includes daily litter picks, eco packaging and private waste bins.

The extension will be created from triple glazed toughened and laminated glass to ensure ball games can still take place safely on the field.

All deliveries will be made by Grandpa Greene’s in a small van from the company’s distribution facility in Oldham meaning the business has control of delivery times and days.

The Oldham Council parks team have also agreed to provide the business with a key so deliveries can be made without causing disruption to Wade Row residents.