PLANS to turn a derelict Saddleworth public toilet into an ice cream parlour have been met with dozens of objections by residents.

The public toilets at King George V Playing Fields on Wade Row, Uppermill were built in 2000 but were closed in 2018 due to vandalism and anti-social behaviour.

In March, plans were submitted to convert the abandoned toilets into a cafe operated by Grandpa Greene's Luxury Ice Cream, providing hot drinks, cakes, sandwiches and ice cream.

Many residents, however, have expressed how they are strongly opposed to the plans, citing concerns such as the loss of space, parking and litter as potential problems.

Several people said the fields are popular amongst children and young people, who use it to play ball games, but the proposed cafe would prevent this.

One commenter on the application said it would "no longer be practical" for children to play on the fields "when a glass building and seating area is built".

Another said: "A reduced participation in recreational play activities by children in the park is not good for their health."

The Oldham Times: The derelict public toiletsThe derelict public toilets

Many pointed to Uppermill village centre already being very busy and parking spaces being very hard to come by. They believe the introduction of Grandpa Greene's would only worsen the situation.

One commenter wrote: "The application states there are car parks nearby, which is true, but they are not large and are filled during the daytime by people working in the village."

This sentiment was supported by many, with one describing the parking situation in the area as "dreadful".

Many point to the fact that several cafes exist close by to the playing fields and the construction of another is unnecessary.

For those who support the proposal, their main argument is the need for public toilets in the area, something which many of the objectors agreed is important.

One commenter said the return of toilets is "much needed" and has "been an issue for a number of years now".

Some also said the loss of green space due to the construction of the cafe would not have a major impact on the fields and that the proposed design is in keeping with the area.

The plans state there would be a loss of 57 square metres, which has been described as "regrettable" in the plans.

Public comments on the application can still be made on the council's planning portal.