There were 14 Oldham Council staff who received more than £100,000 last year, with the former chief executive making more than the PM, according to data published by the TaxPayers' Alliance.

The figures are part of the annual Town Hall Rich List, released as part of a campaign by the group which tracks how many council employees across the UK are paid more than £100,000.

It is based on council employees in the UK in receipt of over £100,000 in total remuneration in a single financial year, which includes pension contributions.

In Oldham, the chief executive, who is listed as Carolyn Wilkins OBE, who left the role in August 2021, earned £185,000 per year, nearly £25,000 more than Mr Johnson, who is entitled to a salary of just over £161,000 each year.

In all, the list has 14 Oldham Council employees marked as making over £100,000, however, the council have said the figures are not presented in an accurate way.

Of the 14 listed, six have their titles listed as "undisclosed" and the council says these figures have been estimated and are not correct.

They also said some of the people on the list do not work directly for the council.

In a statement, a spokesperson for Oldham Council said: "The way the Taxpayers’ Alliance have presented these figures is misleading – for example, they have included roles which do not work directly for the council.

"Over the last 12 months, we have restructured our senior management team as part of our ongoing commitment to improving services for residents and providing the best value for money, and this has come at a saving to the council."

Oldham Council's executive team has seen a major shakeup in recent months.

On the list, the chief executive is listed as Ms Wilkins OBE, although she left in August 2021 and was replaced by Harry Catherall, initially on an interim basis before taking the role permanently.

The second highest-paid role is the deputy chief executive, who earns £135,000 a year.

This role has recently been taken up by Sayyed Osman.

Elsewhere, six-figure salaries have been handed out to the managing director of children and young people Gerard Jones, managing director of community services and adult social care Mark Warren, strategic director Mike Barker, chief financial officer Anne Ryans and the director of legal services.

The director of public health, who earned £94,000, was also included on the list when pension contributions were taken into account.