A DISTILLERY in Lees has teamed up with one of the world’s most famous sweet manufacturers to produce a delicious new flavour.

Defiance Spirits, based at Woodend Mill, is working with Wigan-based Uncle Joe’s Mint Balls to produce maple toffee vodka.

Chef Michael Harrison first started making the high-quality toffee, which is then infused and made into the 22 per cent spirit, more than six months ago.

The drink has proved such a hit with customers that after meeting with Uncle Joe’s, owner Paul Sheerin has now secured the services of the sweet maker to scale up production and make the high-quality toffee after it is imported from Quebec in Canada.

The Oldham Times:

Defiance Distillery owner Paul Sheerin

It is then taken to Defiance’s base and finished off and bottled up.

Paul said: “I am pleased with the product, the flavour is amazing.

“Everything about Uncle Joe’s is great, the owners are from the family who set it up more than 120 years ago and they have so much pride in their work.

“They do not cut any corners with what they do.”

The maple toffee vodka flavour has not been advertised widely at the moment, Paul says, but he is looking forward to showcasing it at a food festival in Manchester on Wednesday. The Oldham Times:

The maple toffee vodka flavour

Anokha Indian spice gin is another new drink that has been developed, which has proved popular with customers.

And its Defiance Navy Strength product, which picked up the Best In Show, Unaged White Spirit category prize at the San Francisco World Spirits awards in 2020, beating competition from around 3,000 entries, remains a big hit.

Its bar, which has struggled like many amid the pandemic, is also attracting group bookings for its gin tasting and academy sessions.

The Oldham Times:

The Oldham Times:

The distillery's bar

“I am busy and we are stretched,” Paul added.

“We are a multi-faceted business and we are always developing though.

“Our vintage range which goes back to 1950 has some of our best sellers too.”