PLANS are moving forward to potentially change a junction in Lees which has witnessed two fatal road accidents in the last couple of years.

There were fatal collisions at the junction with Huddersfield Road and Stamford Road in August 2020 and March last year with another serious incident happening in September 2020.

Nearby, at the top of Dunham Street last week, a car was left overturned after an accident.

Last year it was reported that the council is set to remodel several junctions, including the ones with Stamford Road and Dunham Street in efforts to improve road safety.

More than 150 residents in the area are now being asked to take part in a survey to share details of incidents they have seen as well as to let the council know their parking needs and current access.

Saddleworth West and Lees Liberal Democrat councillor Sam Al-Hamdani, who organised for the survey, said: “People have been shocked by the two fatal incidents which have happened right outside their own houses.

"Just last week a car was overturned in an incident at the top of Dunham Street.

“With limited parking being a very pressing issue, I wanted to make sure that this survey took place at the start of planning so residents’ requirements came baked into the design work.

“We need Stamford Road to be safer, and it is great that the highways team have responded to the need and are bringing forward designs.”

Cllr Al-Hamdani said the council highways team are in discussions with Transport for Greater Manchester with a view to new designs being brought forward mid-summer.

Alicia Marland, who supports the Liberal Democrats and campaigns on problems in the area, added: “There are a number of road safety hotspots in the ward, and living here, you have a familiarity with what the local needs are.

“I’ve been pressing for a new speed camera at Grotton for over two years – progress may be slow, but whether it’s this new junction, safety works that have been commissioned at Rhodes Hill in Lees, or campaigning for changes on Cooper Street outside the schools, we are hard at it.”

Oldham Council has been approached for a comment about the latest development at the junction.